modified on 20 November 2010 at 10:37 ••• 131,549 views


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Type: id: title: author: year: subtitle: city: publisher: inauthor: intitle: insubtitle: pages: edition: magazine: issue: type: <magazin or article, if missing, it will be generated automatically> mistake: <set this true, if some data are still missing> </pre> <p><br /> </p> <!-- NewPP limit report Preprocessor node count: 6/1000000 Post-expand include size: 0/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 0/2097152 bytes Expensive parser function count: 0/100 --> <div class="printfooter"> Retrieved from "<a href=""></a>"</div> <div id='catlinks' class='catlinks catlinks-allhidden'></div> <!-- end content --> <div class="visualClear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of gumax-content-body --> <div class="gumax-footer-spacer"></div> <!-- ///// gumax-footer ///// --> <div id="gumax-footer"> <!-- personal tools --> <div id="gumax-personal-tools"> <h5>Toolbox</h5> <ul> <li id="t-whatlinkshere"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=Special:WhatLinksHere/Bibliography" title="List of all wiki pages that link here [j]" accesskey="j">What links here</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="t-recentchangeslinked"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=Special:RecentChangesLinked/Bibliography" title="Recent changes in pages linked from this page [k]" accesskey="k">Related changes</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="t-specialpages"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=Special:SpecialPages" title="List of all special pages [q]" accesskey="q">Special pages</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="t-print"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=Bibliography&oldid=153&printable=yes" title="Printable version of this page [p]" accesskey="p">Printable version</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="t-permalink"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=Bibliography&oldid=153" title="Permanent link to this revision of the page">Permanent link</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end of personal tools --> <!-- gumax-f-list --> <div id="gumax-f-list"> <ul> <li id="privacy"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=BioPhy.de_Wiki:Privacy_policy" title=" Wiki:Privacy policy">Privacy policy</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="about"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=BioPhy.de_Wiki:About" title=" Wiki:About">About Wiki</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="disclaimer"><a href="/wiki//index.php?title=BioPhy.de_Wiki:General_disclaimer" title=" Wiki:General disclaimer">Disclaimers</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="f-poweredby"><a href="" target="_blank">Powered by MediaWiki</a></li> <li>/</li> <li id="f-designedby"><a href="" target="_blank">Designed by Paul Gu</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end of gumax-f-list --> </div> <!-- ///// end of gumax-footer ///// --> </div> <!-- ===== end of gumax-page ===== --> </td><td id="gumax-page-table-right"><img src="/wiki//skins/gumax/blank.gif" alt="" /></td></tr></table> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <script type="text/javascript">pngfix('td');</script> <![endif]--> </div> <!-- ##### end of gumax-wrapper ##### --> <script>if (window.runOnloadHook) runOnloadHook();</script> <!-- Served in 0.060 secs. --></body></html>