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Referenzen aus dem Buch

Kapitel 1

E. Schrödinger (1999): Was ist Leben?
Type: book by Piper Verlag {GmbH}.

E. Sackmann (1996): Supported membranes: scientific and practical applications
Type: article by Science {(New} York, {N.Y.)}.

Scientific and practical applications of supported lipid-protein bilayers are described. Membranes can be covalently coupled to or separated from solids by ultrathin layers of water or soft polymer cushions. The latter systems maintain the structural and dynamic properties of free bilayers, forming a class of models of biomembranes that allow the application of a manifold of surface-sensitive techniques. They form versatile models of low-dimensionality complex fluids, which can be used to study interfacial forces and wetting phenomena, and enable the design of phantom cells to explore the interplay of lock-and-key forces (such as receptor-ligand binding) and universal forces for cell adhesion. Practical applications are the design of (highly selective) receptor surfaces of biosensors on electrooptical devices or the biofunctionalization of inorganic solids.

E. Mayr (2002): Die Entwicklung der biologischen Gedankenwelt: Vielfalt, Evolution und Vererbung
Type: book by Springer, Berlin.

E. Mach (1963): Die Mechanik
Type: book by Wissenschaftl. Buchgesellschaft.

P. M. Kulesa, S. E. Fraser (2002): Cell dynamics during somite boundary formation revealed by time-lapse analysis
Type: article by Science {(New} York, {N.Y.)}.
doi: 10.1126/science.1075544

We follow somite segmentation in living chick embryos and find that the shaping process is not a simple periodic slicing of tissue blocks but a much more carefully choreographed separation in which the somite pulls apart from the segmental plate. Cells move across the presumptive somite boundary and violate gene expression boundaries thought to correlate with the site of the somite boundary. Similarly, cells do not appear to be preassigned to a given somite as they leave the node. The results offer a detailed picture of somite shaping and provide a spatiotemporal framework for linking gene expression with cell movements.

J. Keckes, I. Burgert, K. Frühmann, M. Müller, K. Kölln, M. Hamilton, M. Burghammer, S. V. Roth, S. Stanzl-Tschegg, P. Fratzl (2003): Cell-wall recovery after irreversible deformation of wood
Type: article by Nature Materials.
doi: 10.1038/nmat1019

The remarkable mechanical properties of biological materials reside in their complex hierarchical architecture and in specific molecular mechanistic phenomena. The fundamental importance of molecular interactions and bond recovery has been suggested by studies on deformation and fracture of bone and nacre. Like these mineral-based materials, wood also represents a complex nanocomposite with excellent mechanical performance, despite the fact that it is mainly based on polymers. In wood, however, the mechanistic contribution of processes in the cell wall is not fully understood. Here we have combined tensile tests on individual wood cells and on wood foils with simultaneous synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis in order to separate deformation mechanisms inside the cell wall from those mediated by cell-cell interactions. We show that tensile deformation beyond the yield point does not deteriorate the stiffness of either individual cells or foils. This indicates that there is a dominant recovery mechanism that re-forms the amorphous matrix between the cellulose microfibrils within the cell wall, maintaining its mechanical properties. This stick-slip mechanism, rather like Velcro operating at the nanometre level, provides a 'plastic response' similar to that effected by moving dislocations in metals. We suggest that the molecular recovery mechanism in the cell matrix is a universal phenomenon dominating the tensile deformation of different wood tissue types.

J. L. van Hemmen (2001): Die Karte im Kopf - Wie stellt das Gehirn seine Umwelt dar?
Type: article by Physikalische Blätter.

H. von Helmholtz, A. Wangerin (2009): Über die Erhaltung der Kraft
Type: book by Deutsch {(Harri)}.

M. Fritz, A. Belcher, M. Radmacher, D. Walters, P. Hansma, G. Stucky, D. Morse, S. Mann (1994): Flat pearls from biofabrication of organized composites on inorganic substrates
Type: article by Nature.

P. Fratzl (2002): Von Knochen, Holz und Zähnen
Type: article by Physik Journal.

Biologische Materialien wie Holz, Knochen

oder Zähne sind im Laufe der Evolution von der Natur für ihre jeweilige Anwendung optimiert worden. Die Bauprinzipien dieser Gewebe, ihre Eigenschaften und ihre Funktion liefern für die Materialwissenschaft wichtige Erkenntnisse, die sich für „biomimetisches“ Design von neuartigen Werkstoffen einsetzen lassen. Anstatt viele (teure) Grundstoffe zu verwenden, kommt die Natur für den Großteil ihrer Materialien mit relativ wenigen Grundelementen aus, die gezielt strukturiert werden. Die meisten dieser Prinzipien sind noch unbekannt oder physikalisch unverstanden und bieten ein noch kaum erkundetes Betätigungsfeld für den Materialphysiker. Mögliche Anwendungen liegen in der Entwicklung von Werkstoffen für die Biomedizin (z. B. Knochenersatzmaterialien), aber auch für neuartige Sensoren oder intelligente Materialien.

E. Arzt, S. Gorb, R. Spolenak (2003): From micro to nano contacts in biological attachment devices
Type: article by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1534701100

Animals with widely varying body weight, such as flies, spiders, and geckos, can adhere to and move along vertical walls and even ceilings. This ability is caused by very efficient attachment mechanisms in which patterned surface structures interact with the profile of the substrate. An extensive microscopic study has shown a strong inverse scaling effect in these attachment devices. Whereas microm dimensions of the terminal elements of the setae are sufficient for flies and beetles, geckos must resort to sub-microm devices to ensure adhesion. This general trend is quantitatively explained by applying the principles of contact mechanics, according to which splitting up the contact into finer subcontacts increases adhesion. This principle is widely spread in design of natural adhesive systems and may also be transferred into practical applications.

L. Addadi, D. Joester, F. Nudelman, S. Weiner (2006): Mollusk shell formation: a source of new concepts for understanding biomineralization processes.
Type: article by Chemistry {(Weinheim} an der Bergstrasse, Germany).

The biological approach to forming crystals is proving to be most surprising. Mollusks build their shells by using a hydrophobic silk gel, very acidic aspartic acid rich proteins, and apparently also an amorphous precursor phase from which the crystals form. All this takes place in a highly structured chitinous framework. Here we present ideas on how these disparate components work together to produce the highly structured pearly nacreous layer of the mollusk shell.

Kapitel 2

T. D. Pollard, W. C. Earnshaw, J. Lippincott-Schwartz (2007): Cell Biology
Type: book by Saunders.

L. Margulis, K. V. Schwartz (1989): Die fünf Reiche der Organismen. Ein Leitfaden
Type: book by Heidelberg : Spektrum der Wissenschaft.

H. Lodish, A. Berk, C. A. Kaiser, M. Krieger, M. P. Scott, A. Bretscher (2007): Molecular Cell Biology
Type: book by Palgrave Macmillan.

R. Lipowsky, E. Sackmann (1996): Architecture and Function. Handbook of Biological Physics Vol I
Type: book by Elsevier.

The first volume of the Handbook deals with the amazing world of biomembranes and lipid bilayers. Part A describes all aspects related to the morphology of these membranes, beginning with the complex architecture of biomembranes, continues with a description of the bizarre morphology of lipid bilayers and concludes with technological applications of these membranes. The first two chapters deal with biomembranes, providing an introduction to the membranes of eucaryotes and a description of the evolution of membranes. The following chapters are concerned with different aspects of lipids including the physical properties of model membranes composed of lipid-protein mixtures, lateral phase separation of lipids and proteins and measurement of lipid-protein bilayer diffusion. Other chapters deal with the flexibility of fluid bilayers, the closure of bilayers into vesicles which attain a large variety of different shapes, and applications of lipid vesicles and liposomes.

Part B covers membrane adhesion, membrane fusion and the interaction of biomembranes with polymer networks such as the cytoskeleton. The first two chapters of this part discuss the generic interactions of membranes from the conceptual point of view. The following two chapters summarize the experimental work on two different bilayer systems. The next chapter deals with the process of contact formation, focal bounding and macroscopic contacts between cells. The cytoskeleton within eucaryotic cells consists of a network of relatively stiff filaments of which three different types of filaments have been identified. As explained in the next chapter much has been recently learned about the interaction of these filaments with the cell membrane. The final two chapters deal with membrane fusion.

S. F. Gilbert, S. R. Singer (2006): Developmental Biology
Type: book by Palgrave Macmillan.

W. Fritsche (2001): Mikrobiologie
Type: book by Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

J. M. Berg, L. Stryer, J. L. Tymoczko (2007): Biochemie
Type: book by Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

B. Alberts, A. Johnson, P. Walter, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts (2008): Molecular Biology of the Cell
Type: book by Taylor & Francis.

Kapitel 3

I. Tinoco, K. Sauer (2003): Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences
Type: book by Pearson Education {(US)}.

G. Thews, E. Mutschler, P. Vaupel (2007): Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathophysiologie des Menschen
Type: book by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

F. Reif, W. Muschik (1987): Statistische Physik und Theorie der Wärme
Type: book by Gruyter.

D. J. Randall, W. Burggren, K. French (2001): Eckert Animal Physiology
Type: book by Palgrave Macmillan.

L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifschitz (1987): Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik, 10 Bde., Bd.5, Statistische Physik: {BD} 5
Type: book by Deutsch {(Harri)}.

T. L. Hill (1988): An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics
Type: book by Dover Pubn Inc..

K. A. Dill, S. Bromberg (2002): Molecular driving forces: statistical thermodynamics in chemistry and biology
Type: book by Garland Pub.

R. Cahn, W. Ludwig (1985): Theorie der Wärme.
Type: book by Springer, Berlin.

G. B. Benedek, F. M. H. Villars (2000): Physics With Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology: Volume 2: Statistical Physics
Type: book by Springer, Berlin.