Lecture Notes: Physics of Cell Adhesion als PDF herunterladen

In the “Lecture Notes” we attempt to describe real biological and physiological processes and systems on the basis of physical concepts learned in numerous studies of biomimetic systems and soft materials. The benefit of parallel teaching of Soft Matter and Biological Physics has been recently established in a series of Editorials (see http://rsc.li/10Tpqit) . Major emphasize is put on the question how biomaterial properties are controlled by cell signalling. The question of self-healing of living matter is considered as the great future challenge of Biological Physicists . We hope that by complementing the textbook in this way we can cope with the rapidly growing development of life sciences. To facilitate reading the biological sections by physicists we add to most chapters a Glossary explaining the function of specific proteins. The numbering of the Notes refers to that of the Chapters of the textbook.

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